The website contains content for adults 21 and over for educational purposes only.

Maine Cannabis Related Bills: 

(Last updated: 03/05/2025)

1.LD 104 H.P 69 An Act to Protect the Health of Medical Cannabis Patients and Streamline the Mandatory Testing of Cannabis
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2. LD 177 H.P 0110 An Act to Create Municipal Cannabis Revenue Sharing

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3. LD 302 H.P 0202 An Act Regarding Maine's Cannabis Industry 

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4. LD 347 H.P 247  An Act to Provide Qualifying Municipalities a Percentage of Adult Use Cannabis Sales Tax and Excise Tax Revenue

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5. LD 368 SP- 160 An Act to Address Concerns Regarding Radiation Machines and Similar Equipment Used in the Cannabis Industry 

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6. LD 392  SP0178, An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Cannabis  

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7. LD 544 HP 363 An Act to Create Parity in the Taxation of Medicine by Exempting Sales of Cannabis for Medical Use 

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8. LD 584 SP 267 An Act to Make the Director of the Office of Cannabis Policy an Appointed Position Subject to Confirmation by the Legislature 

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9. LD  859  HP 545 Resolve, Directing the Treasurer of State to Review and Develop Options for Meeting the Banking Needs of the Cannabis Industry 

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10. LD 903 HP 392 An Act to Regulate the Advertising of Cannabis Products 

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11. LD 929 HP 594 An Act to Increase Access to Medical Cannabis for Seniors and Veterans 

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12. LD  948 HP 613 An Act to Reduce Administrative Burdens and Expand Access in the Laws Governing Cannabis  

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13. LD 959 HP0618 An Act to Require the Development of Better Cannabis Testing Criteria and Processes

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